Baby Steps to Learning Language

What if I told you that you can do 3 things to help your toddler learn the language? And this can be done anytime and in any language. As a busy mom or dad, I'm thinking.....I can do this!!!

1. Follow the Leader. Let your child take the Lead. This will show you what he is interested in and keep the interaction going longer. The longer the interaction, the more opportunity for you to load the interaction with language and let him hear words that go with what is going on. As you watch what your child is doing and saying in this interaction, early conversation is starting!!!!

2. One Little Step Ahead. You communicate using language that is slightly ahead of what your child is doing. Why?? This gives your child an example of what he can say next ......

Pay attention to how your child is communicating NOW and let him hear what the "next version" sounds like. When your child is using sounds and gestures.....YOU use single words and short simple sentences. Stick with proper grammar. When your child is using simple words and short sentences......YOU use slightly longer phrases and sentences.

3. Stay in the Moment. In the early stages of learning to talk, kids are interested in the "here and now". Things are pretty concrete, so it is easier for your child to understand the meaning of words that connect to what they are doing NOW. Get out the toys, get out the snack, get out the songs and "talk" about what is happening in the moment :)


Soothers and Speech Development


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